
Our skilled healthcare professionals provide antenatal care (ANC) to pregnant women in order to ensure the best health conditions for both mother and baby during pregnancy. Antenatal visits present opportunities for reaching pregnant women with interventions that may be vital to their health and well-being and that of their infants. Antenatal care visits include:

  • blood pressure measurement

  • urine testing for bacteriuria and proteinuria

  • blood testing to detect syphilis and severe anemia

  • weight/height measurement.

    Through this form of preventive health care, women can learn from skilled health personnel about healthy behaviours during pregnancy, better understand warning signs during pregnancy and childbirth, and receive social, emotional and psychological support at this critical time in their lives. Through antenatal care, pregnant women can


Postnatal care (PNC) is the care given to the mother and her newborn baby immediately after birth and for the first two months of life. This period marks the establishment of a new phase of family life for women and their partners and the beginning of the lifelong health record for newborn babies.

Effective postnatal care (PNC) is about recognizing any deviation from expected recovery after birth, and evaluating and intervening appropriately in a timely fashion. In Somaliland, less than 10% of women receive any postnatal care within two days of delivery. Our role as a service provider is therefore vitally important in improving this situation, identifying danger signs and reducing the adverse outcomes for mothers and newborns.